Advances in contraceptive technology and contraceptive commodity security PEACH Pattaya 7 Oral | EN | Hybrid(e) | Interpretation
November 15, 2022 10:15 - 11:35(Asia/Bangkok)
20221115T1015 20221115T1135 Asia/Bangkok Investing in contraceptive R & D to reduce the unmet need for family planning | Investir dans la recherche et le développement de la contraception pour réduire les besoins non satisfaits de planification familiale

PEACH Pattaya 7 International Conference on Family Planning 2022
79 attendees saved this session

Investing in contraceptive R&D to reduce the unmet need for family planning | Investir dans la recherche et le développement de la contraception pour réduire les besoins non satisfaits de planification familiale Advocacy/Plaidoyer
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in contraceptive technology and contraceptive commodity security 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Presenters Gian Marco Grindatto
Senior Advocacy Officer, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)
Maya Goldstein
Deputy Director Of Research, Policy Cures Research
Bonnie Keith
Senior Advocacy & Communications Officer, PATH
Rebecca Callahan
Associate Director, FHI 360
Bethany Young Hokt
Executive Director, CAMI Health| Public Health Institute
Human Centered Contraceptive Development | Le développement contraceptif centré sur l'humain Research/Recherche
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in contraceptive technology and contraceptive commodity security 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Rebecca Callahan
Associate Director, FHI 360
Exploring the R&D Landscape and Potential of Multipurpose Prevention Technologies | Explorer l'environnement de la recherche et du développement et le potentiel des technologies de prévention à usages multiples Advocacy/Plaidoyer
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in contraceptive technology and contraceptive commodity security 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Bethany Young Hokt
Executive Director, CAMI Health| Public Health Institute
Advocating for an enabling policy environment for new contraceptive development | Plaider pour un environnement politique favorable au développement de nouveaux contraceptifs Advocacy/Plaidoyer
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in contraceptive technology and contraceptive commodity security 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Bonnie Keith
Senior Advocacy & Communications Officer, PATH
Funding for contraception R&D : The current state of play | Le financement de la recherche et du développement pour la contraception : L'état du jeu actuel Research/Recherche
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in contraceptive technology and contraceptive commodity security 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Maya Goldstein
Deputy Director Of Research, Policy Cures Research
Senior Advocacy Officer
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)
Associate Director
FHI 360
Executive Director
CAMI Health| Public Health Institute
Senior Advocacy & Communications Officer
Deputy Director of Research
Policy Cures Research
Head of Brussels Office and EU Advocacy
DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung)
Senior Scientist, Epidemiology
Center for Biomedical Research, Population Council
Ms. Elizabeth Millar
Evaluation and Learning Technical Specialist
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program Manager
International Rescue Committee
National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia
RMNCAYH Program Manager
Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia
Program Navigator
2003 visits